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The Office of Historical Corrections

March 4, 2021

I really liked this collection of stories. Just solid realistic contemporary fiction. You'll mull the themes in your head for a while.

It was really popular at the library, so I had to get it on Link+. And it's popular for a reason.

I would say most of the stories stick with you, especially the title story. I really liked the one about the family meeting at Alcatraz- not a lot happens in it, but the intergenerational family relationships and estrangement felt really familiar and accurate. I also think the one with the white girl who doesn't have any understanding of her use of the Confederate flag and its impact on the people around her really sticks with you. There is such a desperation from some to say symbols don't mean anything- they are just objects, but they really do have impact and she was just not at the place in her mind where she would realize that. And how do we raise a generation that isn't blind to that? Oh and the apology short story- BAH.

But everything here feels like it could really happen, and that's the ticket

Heather Moore-Farley

Heather Moore-Farley

software engineer, knitter, bicyclist


© 2021