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Surfaces and Essences: Analogy as the Fuel and Fire of Thinking

June 4, 2021

I listened via Hoopla. Analogy is everywhere and completely unavoidable and I don't know how people who are more literal can handle analogy every day- like almost no sentence is ever literal. Ever.

I saw other reviews say this was repetitive, and I'd agree. But it makes a great audiobook. I felt the repetitiveness with the reader's intonations for the lists was really great and it made you think. I liked that it kept pushing the boundaries of thought. I also enjoyed the end with the math and the physics, even though it didn't necessarily go with the rest of the book- but I like math and physics. And the dialogue at the end was just cute. Also, would have been great for it to go into category theory a bit in the math part. It just seemed like it should have. Missed opportunity. It's long, but thinky, but not that deep of thinky. And I needed some thinky.

It's also naval-gazing, but in a "conscious about our naval gazing" way that was clever. Very amusing.

Heather Moore-Farley

Heather Moore-Farley

software engineer, knitter, bicyclist


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