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Virtual Bay Area Clojure Meetup March 2021

March 8, 2021

My notes from the Bay Area Clojure Meetup in March 2021. It's sparse because I was Zoom-fried. Just some jottings. When the video is…

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🔗 Clojure from the Ground Up: Polymorphism


October 29, 2020

I walked through Aphyr's Clojure from the Ground Up chapter on polymorphism today while following along in my repl and it was really good to see the how defmulti/defmethod, definterface, defrecord work similarly and differently.

If you are looking for a good post about Clojure and polymorphism, this is probably the best.

I would like to do the problem set at the bottom of the chapter tomorrow.

🔗 Immutable Stack Series: Building Anki Clone


September 24, 2020

This playlist is a screencast of creating an Anki clone wth Clojure, ClojureScript, and Datomic.

I watched the first 5 videos today (only ones available as of right now) because, while I work in Clojure, I haven't worked with Datomic and I was curious about it. This screencast isn't for beginners- it assumes you have a basic understanding of Clojure and Clojure project set up, though the creator does write comments so you can follow along. If you are following it like a tutorial, you'll have to pause it often because it is pretty speedy.

I'll probably watch the rest when the come out because I'm curious how they'll use the ClojureScript. I know there's a lot of ways to do the same thing, so watching other people work is very educational.


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