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Weird in a World That's Not: A Career Guide for Misfits, F*ckups, and Failures

October 23, 2020

This book falls in the "self-help book that's on my list just because reading a self-help book at random can create introspection" category. Because I absolutely choose books at random off my to-read list.

My bias: I feel that the people who identify as "weird" are teenagers who haven't yet figured out that their experience is actually pretty common and that feeling "weird" isn't actually a personality trait or something that makes you who you are. So when I pick up a book that's directed at "weirdos" I kind of feel like the writer or audience hasn't actually gotten past their high school identifiers.

But the point of reading self-help books is to pick out what is helpful to you and ignore the rest, so here's the thing I got from this, about 2 hours into the audio book: Use your "bad" feelings for your advantage. If you feel jealous about someone or something, maybe that actually means you'd like that and to modify your goals/5 year plan.

Also good tips for dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace, but that's not something on my radar right now because I'm at a good place. But would be good for someone who is dealing with that, or for a young person who will probably. I know I dealt with that as early as 16 at my second job. So that part is good for your teens. Other parts are focused on being the manager/boss and therefore for people later in their careers. So again, take what works for you now and leave the rest.

Heather Moore-Farley

Heather Moore-Farley

software engineer, knitter, bicyclist


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