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Virtual Bay Area Clojure Meetup

January 11, 2021

On Tuesday, I attended the first hour of the Virtual Bay Area Clojure Meetup. The meeting was recorded, but the video is not available yet.

There were two lightning talks: Ben Wen's Using re-frame-firebase for fun and profit, and Vincent Cantin's Grammar-based CSS generation with Girouette.

Wen shared a simple re-frame and firebase project to demonstarte how re-frame works. His repo is here. I've used re-frame a little bit in my day job, but mostly to test it out. After listening to the talk, I think I'd like to try it a bit more in a personal project.

Video of Wen's Talk:

Cantin shared a new project he is working on, Girouette. His goal is to create a CSS library that uses the Clojure-based library Instaparse to generate CSS with a basic grammar. I had never heard of Instaparse before so it'll be interesting to try it out myself.

Video of Cantin's talk:

I didn't get to hang around at the end and chat, but maybe I'll get a chance next time. I'd like to give a lightning talk at one of these meetups in the future; need to find a topic.

Heather Moore-Farley

Heather Moore-Farley

software engineer, knitter, bicyclist


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